Thursday 23 December 2010

The season ticket

I heard this story from a taxi driver...

The taxi driver and his son have season tickets at Chelsea.  Last season, they had great seats but were confused that the 2 seats next to them were empty every game.  This was very strange, considering the demand for seats at Stamford Bridge and the fact that it costs a great deal of money to buy the tickets.

This went on for game after game, with the taxi driver and son, surmising what had happened to the people.  But on Boxing Day, 2 people turned up and took their places to watch the match.

At half time, the taxi driver's inquisitive nature got the better of him and he asked the people why they had missed almost have of the season.  The man replied... "My stupid wife spent over £2000 buying these season tickets in the summer and decided to give them to us as Christmas presents!"


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