Tuesday, 10 August 2010

I'm a gay son

Do you remember when The Daily Mail, that evil inconsistent and generally wrong newspaper reported on the death of Stephen Gately? That story showed them to be insensitive, bigoted and full of hatred... and full of shit as is often the case.

For example, they ran a story with the headline "Swimmers plunged into dark after council covers swimming pool windows to protect Muslim women's modesty". This article stated that that a swimming pool at Darlaston Leisure Centre in Walsall covered ground-level windows following complaints 'received from Muslim groups'. It went on to mention the pool was singled out by Muslims. The article was missing something... the facts.

What actually happened was that the gauze that had been blocking people from viewing swimmers for decades had become damaged. Some people suggested that the screens were fixed so the council used opaque film as it had in a number of other swimming pools. It is an efficient way to achieve the privacy. Those that suggested this work were male and female and also from every part of the community.

So the pool wasn't plunged into darkness at all, Muslim women hadn't solely complained and this practice was in line with other pools in the district. It makes me angry that a national newspaper (and others) can stir up hatred based on incorrect information.

And a
t the weekend, they ran a story with the headline "Why every mum should have a gay son".

As Pete and I were at my parents and Pete's mum had come along for the weekend, we were both interested as were they.  And what a stereotypical load of claptrap it was!

You wont believe the bollocks in the article - here are a few quotes:
  • Gay sons are said to be "are a passport to a fabulous life of pampering, holidays and heart-to-hearts".
  • My sexuality means that I’m more in tune with her.
  • I instinctively know what suits her – last week I bought her a polka-dot blouse in Marks & Spencer because I knew it would go brilliantly with a chunky belt.
  • I help her look glamorous, giving her hair a blow-dry before we hit the town and taking her for manicures. 

The pure black & white rubbish printed by the Daily Mail angers me on a regular basis, but this latest success at complete stupidity stunned me.  The examples they provided were insultingly stereotypical men that I had NOTHING in common with and know not one single gay man that comes close.

Having read the article, I offered to cut my mum's hair and buy clothes for her, but she turned me down flat.

Anyway, you can read the full rancid awful text here.


  1. Good grief! Well, it does sell newspapers. I think there must a a shopping gene that I'm missing. Ah well.

  2. I hate the Daily Mail and the lies it speaks.

  3. Actually I don't just remember as you do, Stephen, some of the atrocities they've printed before, but I hate the Mail with almost as much gutsy loathing that's normally reserved for the Snooze on Sunday and the Sunday Piffle!

  4. I despair not only of the Mail's articles but that so may people can actually read and BELIEVE them. And what irks me most of all is that over the years I've seen GAYS actually paying out money to BUY the shit-rag, in other words, helping to keep them solvent. I was once told by such a person that he likes to read the celebrity tittle-tattle (this was in pre-internet days). All I can say that if one supports 'friends' like that, who needs 'enemies'?
    I don't know if Jan Moir, in the light of her Stephen Gately article, has toned down her populist, pro-prejudice rhetoric, but most of these bayings and houndings, found in all the tabloids, is perfect fast-food fodder for those with brains but who find it just too troublesome to use them.

  5. I certainly wouldn't buy the paper. My mum and dad bought a couple of papers and dont know why they opted for that rag.

    I think Jan Moir is keeping her head down a bit.

  6. Awful new lows by an awful low of a "newspaper".

  7. I suppose if people are going to believe shit about me, I'd prefer them to believe pleasant shit.

    Yes, I'd be nice if people could manage basic critical thinking, but in the absence of that miracle, fluffy stereotypes are better than hate-filled ones.
