Sunday 14 November 2010

Blog extra!

This posting is NOT part of the 30 day challenge...

Yesterday, my friend Sonny, Pete and me went to London for an overdue celebration of Sonny and my 40th birthdays.  Having considered many venues, we decided on a late lunch at The Ivy.

I drove to Sonny's apartment near the Imperial War Museum and we started the expensive marathon at The American Bar in the newly reopened Savoy hotel with cocktails of course.  The lunch at The Ivy was excellent as expected (and as pricey as expected) and we enjoyed the atmosphere for over two hours.  We tried to get into Paramount in Centre Point but were not on the 'guest list' - I assume that there was a party looking at the fireworks ending the Lord Mayor's show.  So we slummed in at stunning The Soho Hotel with more cocktails, followed by double espresso's at Bar Italia on Frith Street.  And then on to The Rockwell for more cocktails, then The Ship & Shovell ending up in The Old Vic pit bar for wine.

It was possibly the most expensive day I'd had eating and drinking (other than when an employer was paying!).   We stayed at Sonny's place and had a fry up at a greasy spoon this morning followed by a walk to clear our heads.  A fine weekend!  Here are some images from the last two days...



  1. So we slummed in at stunning The Soho Hotel with more cocktails, followed by double espresso's at Bar Italia on Frith Street.

  2. Is that a comment, a question, or simply copy and paste?
