Monday 15 November 2010

Day 15 - Architecture

This posting is part of the 30 day challenge...

Looking in awe at a man made structure, whether big or small, is a surprisingly satisfying thing to do.  Here are just a few of my favourites, selected from the places that I have been fortunate to go inside:

30 St Mary Axe (the Gherkin)

Burj Al Arab

The Royal Albert Hall

The Louvre

And... the whole of Venice!


  1. Awesome as 'The Gherkin' is to look at, as a film-watcher yourself, you too must be more than a little irritated that every single film set in London nowadays just HAS to have a view of that structure. It's like in past days when every time we saw Paris we also had to see the bloody E.T. at some point, as though we wouldn't believe where it set otherwise! However, I suppose over time the 'Gherkin' will eventually get accepted.
