Tuesday 2 February 2010

Devils advocate

As I mentioned in the last blog entry, I was in London yesterday at a trade event.

It was an incredibly dull day as a colleague and myself were only needed at the breaks between presentations and even then, few delegates wanted to chat - they just wanted their free pen and information pack. I saw a few of the presentations which were adequate.

Early in the day, a man came up to me who I had seen present a couple of years ago. I was very polite and complimented him on the service his company offers. He then asked a few basic questions and then let rip...

He started asking closed questions and after every answer I gave, he attacked our company with negative and petty comments. His patronising tone was perfectly balanced by his superior attitude and it was made even worse when, after each opinion, he said "don't take offence, I'm only playing Devil's advocate" as if that made it OK to be rude and disrespectful .

It's like the stupid people who insult someone, but preface it with "I'm not being funny but..." and then blame the other person for being offended.

I don't think I will be volunteering to host another event soon.

To end with - to the 372 people who visited this blog yesterday and went to this page and no other via Yahoo!, why did you visit my blog?! Was this an error, as I never get that many people in one day?


  1. It seems that some people enjoy being idiots and thinking they are better than others

  2. Where's my free pen and information pack? Yhour company's pens are good!

    That said, pens may be a bit passe - I went to one of those things a few months ago and one company was giving out minitures of a Speyside Malt!!

  3. Hello Stephen, unfortunately, I will not be able to join this 5 on the 5th. I will be out of town. Best wishes and hope to catch the next one. Dit
